Massage services have been discontinued in Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. Facials are no longer available in Punta Gorda, but still offered in Fort Myers.

Filler verses a Facelift

So, you have finally decided to go for it! You’ve booked that consultation that you have thought about for months, maybe even a couple of years. Every time you look in the mirror you don’t recognize yourself. The mirror shows ‘tired’ or ‘sad’ but you aren’t either of those things. You are close to retiring from a career you love; your children are starting to marry and you have a grandchild on the way. You have worked hard and lived and loved and are very happy, satisfied with life. You are looking forward to the next chapter. But…that mirror just keeps saying sad and tired. Now you sit in the chair with the provider in front of you describing what you “hate”. She says “for you to have a noticeable improvement I recommend toxin as well as fillers in the cheeks, around the mouth, chin, and jaw.” Well…how much is that going to cost me? “If you want optimal results, total will be around $5,000.”

The response I usually get after this is…I should just get a facelift. But let’s go ahead and examine this. A face lift will cost around $10,000 for the procedure, which does not include fees for the anesthesia and/or surgical facility. Additionally, you will miss nearly a month of work and have the added risk of complications from surgery. Finally; after this is all said and done, you will still continue to age.

If you chose filler and plan to spread treatment out over the course of a few months (spending $2,000/mo for 2-3 months) the cost incurred will not be as drastic and still much less in total. You will not have to miss any work. Risk for complications/adverse effects are much less. Most products last 1-2 years however after initial full recommended treatment, most clients only need touch up occasionally.

Certainly, every case is different and each individual needs to decide what is best for them. It is also your professional’s job (APRN, PA, MD, DO) to be honest with you regarding expectations. Hope this helps…now quit procrastinating and go book that consult!

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