Massage services have been discontinued in Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. Facials are no longer available in Punta Gorda, but still offered in Fort Myers.

The 90 Day PRP Challenge

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) contains fundamental protein growth factors that plays a significant role in regulation of cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation during the remodeling phase.  Platelet Rich Plasma procedures include facials with micro-needling along with injections, scar revisions, treatment of psoriasis, and sexual regeneration to treat incontinence, vaginal dryness in women and ED in men.  

Growth factors are released within 30 days of delivery either by injection or micro-needling.  Around day 60, proliferation of the cells along with transformation of new blood vessels, epithelialization for tissure repair, and collagen growth start to occur.  By day 90, cells have remodeled the tissue to increase elasticity, improvement of scars, collagen repair and growth, skin smoothness, blood vessel repair, nerve regeneration, and tissue repair loss due to age and disease.

We highly recommend PRP to reverse time and suggest speaking to a Sweet Spot provider about how PRP can improve your life.

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