Dermal Fillers
Are your laugh lines prematurely aging your face, or does the skin on the backs of your hands feel loose and look wrinkled?
We are a medically supervised aesthetic practice that offers effective treatments for the signs of aging using a range of advanced dermal fillers. Don’t let aging skin affect your self-confidence.
Learn more

What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are injectable substances that volumize the skin to reduce signs of aging. At Sweet Spot Medispa, your highly skilled team members use a selection of the market-leading dermal fillers that provide the most successful results for their patients, including Juvederm, Versa, Radiesse Plus, RHA products.
What kinds of skin problems can dermal fillers treat?
- Parentheses lines
- Nasolabial Folds
- Chin creases
- Thin lips
- Neck LINEs
- Chin Laxity
- Ear Lobes
- Sagging jawline
- Undefined cheeks
- Under-eye shadows and hollows
- Loose skin on backs of hands
- Chest Wrinkles
Your Sweet Spot Medispa practitioner is medically trained and has many years of experience in administering dermal fillers and other injectable treatments, so you can be sure you’re in good hands.

Explore Dermal Fillers
RHA Redensity: Lip Lines
RHA 2: Tear Troughs
RHA 3: Marionette, Nasal Folds, Ear Lobes
RHA 4: Cheeks, Chin, Jawline
RHA 4 or Radiesse: Hands
Versa: Lips, Smile Lines, Tear Troughs
Juvederm: Lips, Smile Lines
Radiesse Plus: Chest Wrinkles
What is the Dermal Filler process like?
Your dermal filler session at Sweet Spot Medispa starts with an assessment of your face or hands to pinpoint the precise injection sites. Your practitioner cleanses your skin, and if you wish, you can have an anesthetic to numb the injection sites.
After injecting the dermal filler, your practitioner massages it into the tissues to produce the desired effect. Each injection only takes a few moments, but the overall time taken depends on the extent of the treatment area. A simple procedure takes about 15 minutes.
Once the process is complete, you can get back to what you were doing. You may feel a little sore for the first day or two, but this is only mild discomfort.
Located in Fort Myers and Punta Gorda, Sweet Spot MediSpa offers medically supervised aesthetic treatments. Sweet Spot’s practitioners have undergone specialized training in carrying out injectable treatments.
Find out more about how dermal fillers provide a fast, effective solution to aging skin by calling Sweet Spot today, or by booking an appointment online.
How soon will I see the results of my treatment?
The results are instant, so you can see your new, more youthful face or hands right away.
Dermal Fillers are a fast, effective treatment. Call Sweet Spot MediSpa today, or book an appointment online.