Massage services have been discontinued in Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. Facials are no longer available in Punta Gorda, but still offered in Fort Myers.

Cosmetic Tattoo

How well the pigments settle and retain, and the overall healed result is largely determined by your own body – skin type, metabolism but most importantly what aftercare you follow and how you treat the tattooed area in the next few weeks and months to come.

All cosmetic tattoo treatments, (especially eyebrows), are much darker/vibrant in color for up to 2 weeks post-treatment while healing takes place. They will soften to a much more muted color, so please don’t be alarmed by the initial color/darkness. It can take six weeks to see the final color result.

If, after reading this aftercare, you are unsure of anything, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to help!


Please note, your tattoo artist will advise you on which method is most appropriate for you to follow. It will depend on your skin type and the treatment method as to which aftercare method you should follow.

For ALL eyebrow tattoo treatments, ensure you avoid all listed below.

Initial aftercare – directly after the treatment

  • As soon as you arrive home, please wash your eyebrows gently with cotton pads, dial antibacterial soap, and water. Wipe gently back and forth over the brows to remove any fluid (lymph) build up.
  • From the second day, apply Aquaphor ointment tot the browns and do not pick at any resulting crust/scab. It is important to leave any scab to fall off in its own time. Until the brows are smooth and the crusts have gone, do not wet them, touch or expose them to any makeup, cream or ointment.
  • Once healed, you can use makeup and face wash etc.

What to avoid after Eyebrow Tattoo – Day 0 – 14

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY – do not pick at the brows. Skin may shed, resist the urge to pick, apply a small amount of aftercare ointment to smooth them down. Picking will remove pigment before it has settled.
  • Avoid blood thinners i.e. Aspirin, Ibuprofen 24 hours after and excessive intake of alcohol or caffeine, as this can hinder healing.
  • For first week, avoid heavy exercise that will induce sweating and saunas, spas, hot baths etc.
  • Avoid touching your brows with unclean hands/fingers – try to leave them alone.
  • Avoid swimming, spas or saunas for 2 weeks, as this can draw the pigment out of the skin.
  • Don’t apply any makeup/creams/serums on/over the freshly tattooed area until healed (i.e. foundation around the brows is fine with a 2mm gap, but using an eyebrow pencil over them or rubbing moisturizer into them is not).
  • Avoid cleansers, moisturizers, serums, soaps or makeup of any kind over the area (except for any in after care kit).
  • Avoid strong/rejuvenating skin ingredients such as Retin A, glycolic acid, masks, peels or any invasive skin treatments i.e. facial laser, skin needling.
  • Avoid sunscreen or moisturizers on the area at this stage; however, be very careful of the sun and avoid exposure to strong UV.
  • Don’t tint or dye your brows, have brow lamination or waxing/threading done until brows are totally healed.

Avoid long term

  • Avoid aggressive/rejuvenating/exfoliating treatments directly on the tattooed area – i.e. peels, laser, microdermabrasion, glycolic acids (just avoid the eyebrows, can be used but with care).
  • Avoid UV exposure especially facial tanning, use a sunscreen over the brows – once healed, they can fade fast if exposed to lots of UV rays.
  • Avoid exfoliating the area too much – exfoliation = skin renewal = faster fading. Just wash your brows gently.
  • Avoid regular brow tinting – the peroxide in the solution will fade your tattoo more quickly. Henna is a better option if you are trying to darken grey/blonde brow hairs – it is much gentler.


Swelling is usually minimal. There may be (in some clients) a slight swelling on or above the area, which could last 1- 2 days This can make the eyeliner appear thicker initially. On occasion, one side may swell more than the other, so please don’t worry if this occurs, it will go down in 1-2 days. With eyeliner, the healing process is virtually invisible. There is sometimes a very slight tightness on the tattooed area.

  • If there is swelling, a cold compress for a few minutes at a time will help to bring it down – don’t apply ice directly to the area, wrap it in plastic wrap
  • Wear sunglasses (your eyes may feel sensitive) and minimize sun exposure.
  • Avoid blood thinners, alcohol, heavy exercise for 24 hours after the treatment.
  • No application of cream or wiping is necessary; however, you can apply a small amount of Vaseline to the area if it feels tight or itchy.
  • Sometimes there is a small amount of skin flaking – just wipe away very gently using a warm clean facecloth (not aggressively, best to come off on its own).
  • Don’t apply makeup directly over the area for 2 weeks and try not to touch the area.
  • After 2 weeks, any makeup you are using in the tattooed area is clean, i.e. if using mascara use one that is brand new. Clean makeup brushes properly prior to use.
  • Eyelash extensions must be removed prior to eyeliner treatment, and can be reapplied about 1 month later, when total healing has occurred.
  • A retouch can be done 4-6 weeks later, if needed – sometimes eyeliner requires a retouch, and sometimes not, it depends on your skin type and how it heals.
  • Wait 3 weeks to have any lash tinting or lash lifting treatments done or to use any eyelash serums.


Immediately afterwards

Your lips will look more vibrant than they will heal, and they will be swollen. This swelling will subside over the next few hours. There may also be some numbness to the lips and mouth – so avoid hot beverages/ food until the numbness has worn off.(If you are predisposed to cold sores, it is highly recommended that you have pretreated with anti-viral medication before this treatment.

  • If there is swelling, a cold compress for a few minutes at a time will help to bring it down – don’t apply ice directly to the area, wrap it in plastic wrap.
  • Continue to use Aquaphor for 2 weeks, to keep the area moist – no other lipsticks or balms while healing


  • Caffeinated beverages or alcohol on the day of treatment.
  • 5 days before the procedure: aspirin, ibuprofen, turmeric, fish oil.
  • Kissing 10 days post treatment, this can cause infection and pigment not settling.
  • Very spicy or acidic food at least 7 days (use a straw if drinking anything other than water).
  • Very hot (heat) food or drink for 7 days.
  • Brushing teeth after the treatment on the same day (wait till the following day) – be very careful not to get toothpaste on the lips.
  • Picking the crusts; allow to fall off in their own time.
  • Swimming, sauna or spa/steam exposure for 2 weeks.
  • Heavy exercise/sweating for 2 weeks.
  • Cosmetic treatments like lip filler for 2 weeks.
  • Applying lipstick for X days or lip plumping serums for 2 weeks

Other important things to note – all treatments

Lighter colors fade faster and require more frequent retouching. Generally, hair stroke tattoo/microblade is a less permanent technique than powder fill, and will fade faster (which is why a second retouch appointment is highly recommended for all brow tattoo treatments)

If any unusual redness, excessive itchiness, lumps, tenderness or swelling appear on the tattooed area, please call us immediately: 239-789-3098.

It is best to wait 4-6 weeks to have your first retouch, to ensure the area is completely healed, and that the initial color has reached its final healed result. All treatments normally require a retouch visit for best results.It is advised to have your cosmetic tattoo retouched and refreshed every 12 – 16 months to maintain the color and shape. Some skin types may need more or less regular retouching – your tattoo artist can advise you