Massage services have been discontinued in Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. Facials are no longer available in Punta Gorda, but still offered in Fort Myers.

C02Re Laser

CO2RE Skin Resurfacing Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Hydrate, drink 8 classes of water each day starting at least 2 days prior to treatment.
  • Avoid salty foods and alcohol to prevent dehydration.
  • Avoid excess sun exposure 2 weeks before treatment.
  • Avoid using any topical retinol-containing products 5 days before treatment.
  • Avoid drinking red wine or taking blood thinners (consult with physician first), such as aspirin, Motrin, turmeric, and fish oil supplements, the day before the procedure.
  • Start taking anti-viral medication if you have a history of cold sores 3 days prior to the procedure.

CO2RE Skin Resurfacing Post-Treatment Instructions

Wash the treated area with a mild cleanser (ex. Cetaphil) or with Eau Termale Spring Water, then apply the following as instructed for 1 week post-treatment:

  1. Apply Cicalfate AM, afternoon, and PM daily to keep the skin moist for 3 days
  2. Sleep on a clean pillow case nightly
  3. Cleanse skin gently in AM and PM prior to applying Cicalfate
  4. Use Plated Exosomes on Day 2 in AM and PM prior to Cicalfate until bottle is completed
  5. Broad-Spectrum physical block sunscreen with SPF of 40 or greater and wear a hat when going outside.
    • Redness and swelling is expected, lasting 72 hours.
    • Tylenol may be taken to reduce discomfort
    • Sleep with your head elevated
    • Call the office at 239-789-3098 if drainage, fever, or increased pain or swelling occur
    • Take Benadryl 25mg at night to reduce swelling
    • Treated areas will shed naturally 5-7 days
    • Treated areas will heal in 1-2 weeks and redness will continue to fade over the next 2-3 weeks. Dryness is to be expected during the healing process. Hyper-pigmentation can occur and may last up to 2-3 months. Please notify the office if you have concerns with this. This is the natural healing process.
    • Please make a follow-up appointment in 3 months

It is recommended to avoid the following while healing:

  • Retinol use for 2 weeks post-treatment
  • Sun exposure and tanning
  • Hot tubs, baths, and saunas, scrubbing and exfoliation
  • Swimming in pools with chlorine
  • Exercise causing excessive perspiration